
Phat grooves and cinematic sounds make you dance and dream. Earworms tug at your emotions, the irony of the songs conjures a smile up on your face. Are you looking for surprises? With the music of the Hotties you will happily wake up from your dreams and realize that it is reality.

The trio around Jonathan Hofmeister, Alex Bayer and Jan F. Brill see jazz as an expression of their personal musical freedom. As improvisers, they constantly collect new ideas and influences, which can be implemented directly in the music. In addition to the compositions, the development of their musical vision is the most important part of the music that they bring to the stage. The three musicians radiate this fascination with their multifaceted nature.

Hotties #happyorsad


Von diesem Album wurden viele Auszüge im Soundtrack von „Dating Planet A“ verwendet. Dazu gibt es drei Bonus Tracks die nicht im Film zu hören sind. Hotties wollen vor allem eins: Spaß! Ihre fetten Grooves, cineastischen Synthesizer Sounds und energiegeladenen Songs machen einfach Laune. Aus dem Dschungel der Musikwelt haben sie sich das herausgepickt, was…

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